Using Generative AI to Illuminate the Path of Business Transformation


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
—Arthur C. Clarke

The Magic of Edison’s Bulb

In 1879, Thomas Edison illuminated Christie Street with his newly invented incandescent lamp. This magical moment led to the rapid electrification of homes and towns, changing the way we lived and worked. Just like electricity, AI, especially generative AI, is the transformative technology of our time.

Illuminate Your Business with Generative AI

Choosing the Right Use Cases

  1. Impactful: Solve real business problems and create new opportunities.
  2. Visible: Make sure the use case has broader visibility within your organization.
  3. Relatable: The use case should spark imagination and inspire team members.

Questions to Consider

  • Is the impact meaningful to my business?
  • How does generative AI help me solve this problem?
  • Will this be talked about at the water cooler?

Generative AI for a More Inclusive Workforce

Generative AI can make coding and development accessible to underrepresented groups, people with different learning abilities, and communities that lack access to traditional computer science education.

Becoming a More Data-Driven Business

Generative AI can help drive the adoption of data-driven mindsets in your business by extracting insights, summarizing, and presenting information in an easily consumable way.

Reimagining Your Operating Model

Generative AI requires changes to your organization’s operating model. Use early use cases to learn and experiment with different aspects of your operating model.


Generative AI is not just a tool but a catalyst for bringing about lasting, transformational change. At Altosice, we believe in the power of cloud technology and AI to transform the way organizations operate, learn, and grow. Let’s illuminate the path of business transformation together.